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  About me

Hi my name is Zoë Morrison and I am the founder of Tidy with Zoë. I live in the lovely city of Brighton and Hove with my husband and two teenage sons. When I’m not decluttering, you can often find me out running on the beautiful South Downs. 

I am not a naturally tidy person and if you had seen my floordrobe when I was a kid, you wouldn’t have imagined that I would one day be offering my services as a professional organiser. However fast forward many years and my house is very tidy and organised. 

How did I become tidy and organised?

They always say the first part of solving a problem is recognising it. I knew I was a messy person, but I didn’t know how or why the mess built up. Over many years I did a lot of experimenting and research into how to be tidy and organised.  And I applied it in my own life with great results. I often found that taking small steps to start off with, led to success in the longer term. 

There were three perspectives that also guided me along the way:


1. I have 10 years of experience of being an internal auditor, during which time I gained a Masters in Audit, Management and Consultancy. I was also a Chartered Member of the Institute of Internal Auditors. Internal auditors look at systems and processes and make recommendations for how they can be improved. Nothing is taken at face value, and we always come back to check on the progress made. I used these internal audit skills to look at my systems and processes around being tidy and organised at home and to work out how to make them better. 

2. I am passionate about being eco-friendly and reducing waste. I wrote a blog on the subject for around 10 years and even published a book about it called Eco Thrifty Living . During that time I became interested in decluttering,  whilst avoiding waste. So in 2014 I set myself a challenge to buy nothing new for 10 months and to give something away that wasn’t serving me each day for 9 months. I was successful with not buying anything new and although I didn’t give something away every day, I did give away a lot during that time. I learned a lot from that challenge and came out the other end having reset my relationship with my stuff. 

3. A few years ago I got diagnosed with ADHD and aside from it explaining a lot, it meant I knew that any approach I took to keeping my house tidy and organised needed to be ADHD friendly. This meant being kind to myself, doing things slightly differently at times and taking things at a pace that worked for me.

After years of experience of decluttering and organising my own home, learning the hard way what does and doesn’t work and adapting for ADHD I would love to help you turn your home into an organised oasis of calm. 
