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Do you dream of a tidy, organised and clutter free home? Wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to find all your things where you need them, when you need them. Our clutter can be overwhelming and it’s hard to know where to start.  But you don’t have to tackle the problem on your own, we are here to help.

What we do


Clutter is anything in your home that isn’t serving you. We will gently guide you through the process of streamlining your stuff and taking back control of your home.


Imagine opening a drawer or a cupboard and seeing beautifully organised spaces, where everything is easily accessible. We will show you how to store your things in an optimal way to make that happen.


Want to keep your home clutter free and organised for good? We will help you create systems that manage the ongoing stream of stuff flowing through your home.


Brighton and Hove (and surrounding areas)

Brighton and Hove (and surrounding areas)





Initial Consultation

I will meet you online for a free initial 30 minute consultation


Hourly rate

Tackle a small area in your home (minimum booking 2 hrs)


4 hour package

This great value package will help you off to a brilliant start clearing the clutter.

Tidy cupboard

About Me

Hi there, my name is Zoë Morrison. My mission is to help you live in a home that works for you.
